Despite what Ye might want you to think, the adidas brand has always been an industry leader and pretty adventurous when it comes to their sneaker designs. Experimenting with designs isn’t always easy for big brands because at the end of the day, there is a Board of Directors and shareholders that makes profits the company’s priority. However, as adidas’ recent statements regarding the Yeezy Brand made clear, making footwear has always been, and always will be, a collaborative effort between many people for every new design that is created.

One of the most interesting “sneakers” to arrive from adidas in recent months is the Rovermule Adventure. While the Mule Boyz have been pushing the movement in recent years, the traditional mule, a laceless slip-on shoe, has been a staple amongst nearly every brand’s archives. This time around, adidas has worked up a new twist that gives the shoe a convertible heel design that collapses to make it a true slip-on. While worn in the “up” position, the neoprene sock liner keeps the shoe firmly in place. The rugged outdoor-ready outsole of the Rovermule Adventure puts it in a category with the adidas Superturf we’ve seen become a hot silhouette for collabs in the past couple of years.
According to Just Fresh Kicks, you can look for these on the adidas Originals Confrimed app in the coming weeks for the retail price of $150.